Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nepal by way of Guatemala!

Praise God for His work in us and through us during one week spent in Guatemala! Thanks to a combined effort of Hope Haven, Rotary Club, Wilderness Medicine, Bio Bio, and 14 amazing new friends on the trip, 30 children with various disabilities were fit with functional wheelchairs through a sustainable program. God introduced us to a beautiful country and a gracious culture, He reminded us of the value of humility in providing compassionate and responsible healthcare, and He brought together a group of like-minded individuals from all over the country to do good things and share in one awesome and blessed experience! We are truly grateful for the warm and easy friendships formed through this travel group. Thank you all for the laughter, the stories shared, and the overwhelming sense of encouragement as we look to our next endeavor in Nepal.

the missions hospital in Antigua treats anyone who comes in the door at a minimal fee

with frequent (and sometimes devastating) earthquakes, it's amazing to see how the city of Antigua works hard to preserve it's history

Antigua is a gorgeous city locked in a juxtaposition of  16th century Spanish architecture and modern day progress

a day at Lake Atitlan... the surrounding volcanoes added an intimidating beauty to the lake shores

there is definitely a reason Guatemala is famously known to have among the best coffee and chocolate in the world

the arch at the convent was built so the cloistered nuns could cross the street without being seen

weekend work in Antigua (the drums on the left are in fact turtle shells!)