Saturday, January 8, 2011

From planning to preparation...

      Depending on how you look at it, one could say this missions trip has been in the works for the past thirty something years, or, just the last ten months over which time God revealed more specifics of His plan. And we both agree that even if we don't go to Nepal, God has already used this process to teach and grow us in faithful abundance! Take this blog for instance; it is our first adventure into cyberspace, so our apologies in advance for any inefficiency and/or insufficiency that is to come.
       Now that we know our official assignment will be to serve as healthcare professionals at the United Mission Hospital in Tansen, Nepal, we can begin our preparations. The majority of  arrangements will be handled by the wonderful World Medical Mission branch of Samaritan's Purse. They are the evangelical Christian organization who have faithfully worked to find us an assignment and who will continue to bless us and the people of Nepal by equipping us with housing and transportation. Spiritual growth and support will be faithfully, lovingly, and sacrificially (we know how busy you all are!) provided by the church body of Lighthouse Community Church in which we so joyfully find our spiritual home. And all the necessary love and encouragement from our amazingly understanding family will send us and sustain us wherever we go!
       With the core elements of the trip in place, we have started to address the actual minutia of planning. From packing lists, to medical resource lists, to-do lists, and finally to lists of lists, we are often reminded that although preparation is wise, keeping it in the perspective of His sovereign grace is the only way it will get done. We believe that the experience of planning, preparing, and eventually going to Nepal is to teach us the frequently elusive lesson: that we can do nothing apart from Him and His grace in our lives. We pray to hold close to that truth as the next few months will be filled with many a temptation to believe that any of it is in our control.  
         Knowing that God has already planned and forseen every aspect of this trip, we are excited to see how He will use us to love the people of Nepal by providing compassionate medical care. And prayerfully, He will use our servants' hearts to show them His amazing grace.  We truly appreciate your love, support, encouragement, and prayers as we journey together to Tansen, Nepal!

1 comment:

  1. Yay =) ANd if you have the capability to do so, pictures are always nice (haha-- the font is REALLY big, but I guess so that pplz w/ bad eyesight will have an easier time reading this hehehe) :D
