Tuesday, June 21, 2011

moments in time...

As God is continually at work here and all over the world, we are constantly amazed and in awe of how He uses the Body of Christ to love others as He loves us. This first photo was taken just before many of the long-term families left Tansen for their furloughs. It's pretty mind-boggling to think that God has brought all of these people from all corners of the world to this place at this time to carry out the mission of the Gospel. We are from all different countries, cultures, and ethnicities, but we are all here for the same purpose. In this moment in time, it's encouraging to know that God is using each of us in a unique way to work together as just a small part of the Body of Christ. This photo represents a sampling of how He binds us together as one family in one faith. The rest of the photos in this post aim to reveal His presence in each and every moment in time. Enjoy!

countries represented in this photo: Australia, Britain, Korea, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and the United States

Next week we are headed to Pokhara in order to renew our visas. It's hard to believe that we are almost half way through our time here, but we are definitely looking forward to this vacation for some rest and refreshment. Please pray for safe travels as the roads are winding and the rains are coming. And pray that Kim continues to grow in her tolerance of creepy crawling things as there are many leeches to deal with during the monsoon. Thank you all for your prayer and support, and for your interest in this amazing country of Nepal! We hope to blog in two weeks once we return from Pokhara!

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