Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hello from Taiwan!

Praise God for the time we have spent here in Taiwan with Tom's parents and their family friends! To say they have been gracious hosts would be a huge understatement as they have been filling our days with new experiences and filling our stomachs with tons of tasty delights. Having never been to Asia before this trip, Kim has been a wide-eyed tourist trying to soak in all the sights, sounds, smells, and energy created by this mass of humanity. Everyday life out here is definitely different for us both, and thanks to Mom and Dad's example and instruction, we are learning how to navigate in this new world.

We are in awe of the amazing diversity God has created here, from the food, to the people, and to the languages. In Asia, it truly is a blessing to be in a circumstance in which we are reminded that as Christians, we are just travelers in this world. And our time spent here will make a difference in our eternal lives. So be it in Taiwan, Nepal, Thailand, or back in California, we pray that we may use this time God has blessed us with to live out our faith in such a way that others may see and hear the true joy of the Gospel message.

And for those of you who enjoy photos, here are a few pictures from the International Floral Expo in Taipei which we visited yesterday:

This little girl made the most of her experience in Japan's exhibition


  1. Such Great pictures on this blog and on your FB. Thanks for letting us be apart of this journey with you guys through pictures and posts. -Amy

  2. LOVE the pictures - and the commentary! :)

    Miss you both! Will be in touch soon.

    -Alice :)

  3. :) Is that picture of you 2 in the Floral Expo too? And that picture of the little girl is SO CUTE =) Gracias for the update!

  4. So have you seen the sights (Taipei 101), felt the climate (shirt sticking to your back), tasted the fair (home of the original boba), and smelled the famous stinky tofu? Enjoying your posts! ~Gavin

  5. Thanks for leaving us comments! The picture of us was taken by his parents on the roof of their condo building located in Xindian (the Southern outskirts of Taipei).

  6. You guys look great there in Taiwan. Hard to believe you guys are on the other side of the world. We're praying for you often!
