Wednesday, May 4, 2011

around the hospital compound...

We woke up on our first morning and stepped out of our room to be greeted by these flowers... Praise God for just the right encouragement for our first full day in Tansen!

Tom's "commute" to and from work takes about 3 minutes by foot... with the gas prices the way they are back home, we are most grateful for such an "eco-friendly" and short commute to work!

One of the main hallways in the hospital. To the left is the orthopedic ward, and to the right is the hospital laundry facilities.

As the hospital is not yet equipped with oxygen lines in the rooms, these guys have to pick up empty O2 tanks and deliver new ones almost weekly! This is the back of the hospital where most of the deliveries (including precious mail from home carried on the "Buck") are made.

A quiet day in the Emergency Department... just the way we like it!

Visual reference in the ED. If bitten by a snake, the key is to remember what it looked like. This way you can point it out to the ED staff and they can determine if it is a venomous snake and if so, which antivenom to administer. There are actually about 7 of these "specimens" available for reference. (P.S. we did see our first snake on one of the local trails the other evening... from the panicked glance I gave it, it did not look like any of the venomous snakes pictured here!)

This young "biraami" (patient) enjoys sitting outside in the afternoon, so one day we asked if we could take a picture of him and his custom fit bamboo crutches. The hospital shop makes these crutches on-site using the bamboo on the compound. Now every time we walk by him to say "Namaste," he proudly shows off his crutches.

Tom caught this precious little one peering out over his Mom during ward rounds one morning.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God." ~Mark 10:27


  1. tom & kim! wow... thanks for the picture journal =) those are some crazy pictures, especially the 'show and tell' jars of vipers! =)

  2. morning glories! :)

    and that last photo. it's so poignant. we serve. jesus heals. all things are possible with GOD.

    thank you for the encouragement, and taking the time to bring us on a part of your journey.


  3. Very interesting and different medical practice environment from the US... Great photos!
