Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Great is Our God!

O Lord, how manifold are your works!
In wisdom have you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
~Psalm 104:24

Tom caught this little guy "looking guilty" with his stolen goods at Swayambunath (Monkey Temple) in Kathmandu.

kid's play

a mother's concern

at one point, she had all four of her chicks on her back!

the rice fields are all ready for the monsoon to come

"You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth" ~Psalm 104:14

walking home from school on a sunny day

enjoying a day off from school

at the end of a long day at school

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this scenario: first the boys would line up for their photo, then they would run over to see what it looked liked, then another boy would jump into the photo line up, and then they would run over to see the result. I watched this swarm of boys run back and forth for about 5 photos. I think we had just as much fun as they did!

a typical farm house in the area (the grass roof lasts about 1-2 years with need for patch repairs every now and again; the beauty of the grass roof, as opposed to a tin roof, is that the home is nice and quiet during a rainstorm)

I couldn't help it, he looked like a National Geographic photographer!

Ranighat, Nepal's famed "Taj Mahal." It is a mansion built over 100 years ago by a king who wanted to remember the place where his son was born.

While Tom was taking his sibling's photo, I caught this boy patiently waiting his turn to have his picture taken.
We just wanted to share a few photos that remind us of how great is our God, and His majesty revealed in all of the earth. As you can imagine, just a simple walk to and from the market around here lends to tons of photo opportunities. Partly it's because there are so many differences here in Nepal as compared to home, but mostly it's because God is transforming how we view His creation. Once you look for Him in every person, animal, or vast view, it's quite the experience of marveling at our amazing God through His creation.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the kids look sorta Mexican/Asian =0) I love that picture of Tom w/ all those boys gathered in to see the pictures of themselves =0) Thinking of you both =)
