Friday, May 20, 2011

welcome to the new "home"

For those of you who were concerned about how we would be living out here in Nepal, here is some visual evidence of a clear answer to your prayers! In spite of the challenges we may face, we are continually amazed by God's faithfulness, and how He provides in such great abundance. This home was the very first one built on the hospital compound back in the 1960's, and we are blessed to have the privilege of occupying it for the remainder of our time here. Perhaps these photos will entice some of you to come visit or even to serve in Tansen!

the front of the house: the window on the left is on the 3rd floor, and the open window up top is the 4th floor master bedroom window

the side yard

one of the kitchen windows and the front door

1st floor: the kitchen

looking up to the second floor

2nd floor: sitting and dining room

a peaceful view out to the side yard

3rd floor: the flushing toilet room!

3rd floor: the study

4th floor: room for three of you to come visit!

4th floor: master bedroom (not pictured: a mosquito net recently installed over the bed!)

view from the 3rd floor window: the day after we took this picture, these beautiful passion fruits and the vines were cut down due to their encroachment on the home's electrical wires (see first photo) and their hiding of a rather large hornets' nest; thankfully, the main passion fruit vine is still alive and well on the side of the house!

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
~1 Timothy 6:17-19

We pray to be joyful stewards of all His blessings so that those around us may see Him in all that we say and all that we do wherever He has us.


  1. Welcome home (again)! What a wonderful place! Praise God for His provisions! As I viewed your photos, I was thinking how peaceful your home looked! And I guess living in Nepal, it makes complete sense to keep going up! I'll be giving the church family a quick update on how you guys are doing at church tomorrow! Blessings, Gavin

  2. Hola =0) WOW. So cute and wonderful is the house that the Lord provided! YOu'll get lotsa exercise going up and down all those stairs =)

  3. So cool! At first glance, I thought maybe those were some variety of hanging avacados :) But passion fruits are awesome too! Thanks for sharing pics of your lovely and cozy home! Love, Jamie

  4. Wow, the guest bedroom has 3 beds????? Whooaaaa, should the Kawakamis pop on by in between J's feedings? Might be a bit tough to visit but we sure do miss you guys. Blessings to you and praying for you often.


  5. Hey! Good to read your updates and see how life is like there! Hugs.
